Congratulations! You have made the first step to embark on your journey towards a healthier and happier you!

Throughout the entire duration of the counselling process, you and I will be working closely together to identify your wellness issues and find appropriate lifestyle and nutrition solutions to effectively address and overcome them.

I see myself as a source of information, support, and inspiration for you on your journey to achieving your goals.

I will assist you in making informed choices about what behaviours you might be advised to change or whether or not to change a behaviour at all. I will also help you to learn about healthy options and possible strategies, but only you know best what will fit into your life and what you are willing to tackle. With this in mind, we will be working together to build on the skills you already have to develop your very personalised strategy to effectively deal with your wellness and nutrition issues.

If this sounds right to you, don’t wait to take that next step and come closer to fulfilling your goals and simply feel better!
