WATSU – short for Water Shiatsu – is a profoundly relaxing aquatic movement therapy based on the holistic healing concept of Zen Shiatsu.

With an emphasis on stretching the body and stimulating specific pressure points, it is performed in chest or waist deep warm water where the lightness of the body allows the practitioner to float the receiver, free spinal vertebrae, rotate joint articulations and elongate muscles in ways not possible on land.

Connecting with the breathing pattern of the receiver, the WATSU practitioner performs a calm, rhythmic, dance-like sequence of movements which not only have a profoundly beneficial effect on superficial and deep fasciae, inner ear and neurological systems but also gently energize and refresh the receiving person – thus inspiring the natural regeneration of the body, mind and spirit.

A unique way in which WATSU differs from many other forms of therapeutic body work is in its profoundly nourishing effect of being held closely, protectively and unconditionally by the performing practitioner. More acceptable in a water environment, this way of being cradled allows the receiver to drift into a calm mental state and can help alleviate and heal deep seeded wounds of separation and anxiety. It connects you to a world beyond the physical and the resulting deep feelings of nurturance and safety allow for a profound and holistic body work experience like no other.
